
TNTET Paper 1 English MCQ #3

In this post (TNTET Paper 1 English MCQ #3), I gave 10 mcqs for upcoming TNTET paper 1 exam. Through this test you can know your knowledge about English subject.

Before attend the exam you can follow the videos in my YouTube channel, which gave you a clear explanation about the grammar topics.

I already upload TNTET Paper 1 English MCQ#1 and MCQ#2 I am going upload videos and mcqs regularly.

Video explanation of this MCQ#2 CLICK HERE. If you want to attend MCQ#1 CLICK HERE. Video explanation of MCQ#1 CLICK HERE. Video explanation of MCQ#3 CLICK HERE.


  1. Which of the following sentences given below coveys the correct meaning:
    • Sundharshan will succeed though he works hard.
    • Sundharshan will succeed because he works hard.
    • Sundharshan will succeed but he works hard.
    • Sundharshan will succeed and so he works hard.
  2. The line – A Geode can split to reveal – is taken from the poem ___ .
    • The Cry of The Children.
    • Beautiful Inside.
    • The Piano.
    • Shilpi.
  3. I ate some rice. – In this sentence the word some is used to refer the ___ .
    • Adjectives of quantity.
    • Adjectives of quality.
    • Adjectives of Frequency.
    • Adjectives of Manner.
  4. Choose the correct sentence pattern. – Pooja hired a bicycle.
    • SV       
    • SVC                 
    • SVO                
    • SVA
  5. Which of the following sentences given below is wrong?
    • Pronoun is a word used on behalf of noun.
    • Conjunction is a word used to join words or sentence.
    • Interjection is a word which expresses some sudden feeling.
    • Adjective is a word that describes or modifies a noun.
  6. Kolkata is a large city. – In this sentence the word large is used to refer the ___ .
    • Adjectives of quality.
    • Adjectives of quantity.
    • Adjectives of Number.
    • Adjectives of Manner.
  7. Which of the following sentences given below coveys the correct meaning:
    • Everyone like him because he is very helpful.
    • Everyone like him for he is very helpful.
    • Everyone like him but he is very helpful.
    • Everyone like him though he is very helpful.
  8. The line – And, what more, you’ll be a man, my son. – is taken from the poem ___ .
    • The Piano.
    • Shilpi.
    • Manliness.
    • Migrant bird.
  9. Choose the correct sentence pattern. – The wall collapsed.
    • SV
    • SVO
    • SVC
    • SVA
  10. Which of the following sentences given below is wrong?
    • Direct object answers the question ‘What’.
    • Direct object answers the question ‘Whom’.
    • Indirect object answers the question ‘whom’.
    • To get the object, ask the ‘question what or whom’.

Answer for MCQ#3 CLICK HERE.

Video explanation:


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