The Grumble Family 10th std english unit 2 poem book back question and answer

  The Grumble Family 

              Lucy Maud Montgomery 

A. Read the following lines from the poem and answer the questions given below:

1. There’s a family nobody likes to meet:
    They live, it is said, on Complaining street
     a. Where does the family live?
     Ans: The family lives in Complaining street.

     b. Why do you think the street is named as ‘Complaining Street’?
     Ans: I think all the people in the street would always be complaining about everything.

2. They growl at that and they growl at this;
    Whatever comes, there is something amiss;
     a. What does the word ‘growl’ mean here?
     Ans: Growl means ‘make a low guttural sound’.

      b. Why do they find everything amiss?
     Ans: Because they are always unsatisfied.

3. Nothing goes right with the folks you meet
    Down on that gloomy Complaining Street.

      a. What is the opinion about the folks you meet down the street?
     Ans: The folks down the street grumble always.

      b. What does the word ‘gloomy’ mean here?
     Ans: ‘Gloomy’ means depressing or frightening.

4. The worst thing is that if anyone stays 
     Among them too long, he will learn their ways;

      a. What is the worst thing that can happen if anyone stays with them?
     Ans: If anyone stays with them, they will learn their ways of grumbling.

       b. What are the ways of the Grumble family?
     Ans: Grumbling about everything is the way of the grumble family.

5. And so it were wisest to keep our feet
    From wandering into Complaining street;

      a. What is the wisest thing that the poet suggests?
     Ans: The wisest thing that the poet suggests is to stay away from the grumble family.

      b. What does the phrase ‘to keep our feet from wandering’ refer to?
     Ans: The phrase ‘to keep our feet from wandering’ refers to not to enter the complaining street.

6. Let us learn to walk with a smile and a song,
    No matter if things do sometimes go wrong;

      a. What does the poet expect everyone to learn?
     Ans: The poet expects everyone to walk with a smile and a song when something goes wrong.

       b. What should  we do when things go wrong sometimes?
     Ans:  When things go wrong, we should not worry.

1. Write a paragraph on ‘The Grumble Family’ and their attitude towards other folks.
2. If you were to live in the Complaining Street, how would you deal with the people who grumble?
3. From the poem ‘The grumble Family’ what kind of behaviour does the poet want the readers to possess?

 For Topper:                      

   Poem: The Grumble Family.
   Poet:  Lucy Maud Montgomery.
   Theme: The Grumble family and their attitude.

About author:

               L.M. Montgomery was a Canadian author and poet, one of her works is ‘The Grumble Family’. The Title of the poem itself talks about the nature of the family; she describes.

Pessimistic family:

               The grumble family is a pessimistic family. It lives in ‘Complaining Street’ in the city of ‘Never-Are-Satisfied’. It is beside the ‘River of Discontent’. The members of the family are always discontented. Nobody wants to meet them. The poet indirectly advises us to be optimistic.

Their Complaints:

               They complain about everything. Rain or sun, summer or winter, high or humble, they will not fail to grumble. Though everything is pleased to them, they would growl for not having a thing to grumble about. The poet expects us to stop complaining but to develop a positive attitude.

Their Attitude:

               They are well-known with the name of Grumble. Nobody wants to be with them. Everyone fears that this habit will also affect him or her. The poet advises us to stay away from them and lead a happy and contented life.

My view about this poem:

               The poet wants us to accept life as it is. We should not grumble about everything. Otherwise, we would be listed as the member of the grumble family

 Moral: Losers complains, but champions find a remedy…


 For Slow Learners:  

          Poem: The Grumble Family.
          Poet:  Lucy Maud Montgomery.
          Theme: Humorous poem about a grumble family.

Ø  There is a pessimistic family in complain street.

Ø  They always complain about silly matters.

Ø  Rain or sun, summer or winter, high or humble they complain about everything.

Ø  All of their comments are negative and critical.

Ø  Their focus is only on the bad.

Ø  They always find wrong in everything and everywhere.

Ø  Their first instinct is to find something to complain and murmur about people.

Ø  The poet advises us not to be like them.

Ø  We should be optimistic and happy.

    Moral: Never be a complainer, be an optimistic.

Video explanation of this poem :     CLICK HERE 

The Grumble Family 10th std english unit 2 poem book back question and answer
The Grumble Family 10th std english unit 2 poem book back question and answer


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