
Tense 7th English Term 1 Unit 2 Grammar Book back answers

  Perfect Tenses  
Present Perfect Tense:
     It tells us that an action is complete at this time.
       Ex: I have completed my home work.

Past Perfect Tense:
     It tells us about an action that took place before another action in the past.
       Ex: The train had left before he reached the station.

Future Perfect Tense:
     It helps to describe an event that is expected or planned to happen before a time in the future.
       Ex: We would have completed our project by next week.

I. Fill in the blanks with the past perfect tense with the help of the words given in the brackets:

1. When Usha looked out of the window dark clouds ___ (gather) over the mountains.

2. She had no umbrella with her; the weather ___ (seem) so fine just a few hours ago.

3. All was dark again. Night ___ (fall).

4. She ran towards the big gap in the wall through which she ____ (enter).

5. Usha looked back at the ruins. The sun ___ (come) up and was touching the top of the walls.


1. had gathered.
2. had seemed.
3. had fallen.
4. had entered.
5. had come.

J. Read this text and fill in the blanks with future tense:

      Iniya moves to Chennai to join an IAS coaching class. Tomorrow by this time she ____ (join) the class. She ___ (undergo) training till next year. She ____ (work) very hard by the time she comes home. Her parents ___ (worry) about her health all the time. They ___ (write) many letters by the time she comes home. They will be very happy when Iniya becomes an IAS officer.


1. will have joined.
2. will have undergone.
3. will have worked.
4. will have worried.
5. will have written.

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Tense 7th English Term 1 Unit 2 Grammar Book back answers
Tense 7th English Term 1 Unit 2 Grammar Book back answers


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