The Envious Neighbour
Identify the character or speaker of the following lines:
1. They gathered the treasure. (QY. 19)
Ans: The honest old couple
2. The pine tree under which I am buried, to be cut down and made into a mortar.
Ans: The dog to the good old man
3. They dug, and found nothing but a quantity of dirt and nasty offal.
Ans: The envious neighbours.
4. He had not to wait long before he was called into the prince’s palace, and ordered to exhibit his power.
Ans: The envious old man
5. BOW, WOW, WOW! (QY. 19)
Ans: The dog
B. Based on your understanding of the story, choose the right answers from the given options:
1. The old farmer and his wife loved the dog.
(a) because it helped them in their day-to-day work.
(b) as if it was their own baby.
(c) as they were kind to all living beings.
Ans: (b) as if it was their own baby.
2. When the old couple became rich, they
(a) gave the dog better food.
(b) invited their greedy neighbours to a feast.
(c) lived a comfortable life and were generous towards their poor neighbours.
Ans: (c) lived a comfortable life and were generous towards their poor neighbours
3. The greedy couple borrowed the mortar to make. (QY. 19)
(a) rich pastry and bean sauce.
(b) magic ash to win rewards.
(c) a pile of gold.
Ans: (c) a pile of gold.
C. Answer the following questions in a paragraph of about 80 to 100 words:
1. The old farmer was a kind person. Justify the statement with suitable examples from the story.
The old farmer was a kind man. He helped the poor and the needy with what he had. He had a pet dog, which they used to feed with fish and tit-bit from their kitchen. One day, when their dog helped them in getting wealth, they did not take all for themselves. But gave alms to the poor and then bought for themselves rice fields and corn-fields. When his neighbour killed his dog, he did not scold him. He just wept for his pet, kept some food, burnt incense and adorned its grave with flowers, He also showed his kindness to his envious neighbours, as they were distressed, by giving them a share of his own riches.
2. How did the dog help the farmer even after its death?
The dog appeared in his dream, and told him to cut the pine tree, make it into a mortar and use it, thinking of it, as if it were the dog itself. The old man did as was told, When he ground his rice in it, each grain turned into some rich treasure.
3. Why did the Prince reward the farmer but punish the neighbour for the same act?
The prince rewarded the farmer because he made all the withered plum and cherry trees in the palace to shoot out and put forth flowers. So the prince was happy with his magical powers and sent him home rejoicing with plenty of presents. Whereas the neighbour of the good old man was punished because he couldn’t perform the act of reviving the trees, after scattering the ashes on them. The ashes flew into the prince’s eyes and mouth, blinding and choking him. So the guards caught him and beat him almost to death.
4. Bring out the difference between two neighbours with suitable examples to support your view.
The old farmer was an honest and a kind person. He showed kindness to everyone and helped the needy at all times. But his neighbour was an envious person. He was covetous and a stingy old man. These qualities of the two neighbours were clearly shown in the story, when they nursed the dog. The good old man fed it with fish and tit-bit from his own kitchen. But when the dog was borrowed for a few days by his neighbour, he prepared a great feast for it not out of concern but to flatter it to show them the place of wealth. Earlier, the dog had received nothing but cuffs and kicks from this wicked man, When the dog did not help the wicked man, he killed it. The wicked did a lot of misdeeds to the good old farmer. Yet they forgave him and his wife and gave them a share of their own riches.
D. Refer to what happens in the folktale and complete the story with the help of the hints given in the mind map:
1. There lived an honest man with his wife, who had a favourite _____ got a treasure.
2. There dwelt a covetous and stingy old man and woman ____ .
3. The wicked old couple seized the dog, and ____ .
4. They broke the mortar ___.
5. They collected all the ashes that remained ____ .
1. 1. dog and with its help they
2. in the neighbourhood.
3. killed it.
4. and burnt it.
5. and put them in a basket.
Develop the hints and write a short story. (HY. 19)
Old couple- dog- dug- treasure neighbour- borrowed- killed- dug -pine tree- mortar rice- gold – neighbour- rice- foul-smelling – burnt -ashes- sprinkled -withered leaves blossom- prince -gifted neighbour thrAshed.
Old people village honest work in their fields – the neighbouring house – covetous stingly old couple borrowed – whatever they wanted – killed the dog – that night the dog appeared – thanking old man – made the pine tree – mortar – he ground his rice – turned into rich treasure Wicked old couple – borrowed the mortar rice turned into filth – broke the mortar burnt it – Again dog appeared – dream – take the ashes sprinkle on withered trees – revive – put out flowers.
Ans: An old childless couple loved their dog One day, it dag in the garden, and they found a box of treasure there. A neighbour thought the dog must be able to find treasure, and managed to borrow the dog. When it dug in his garden, there was only filth, and he killed it. He told the couple that the dog had just dropped dead. They grieved and buried it under the pine tree where they had found the treasure. One night, the dog’s master dreamed that the dog told him to chop down the tree and make a mortar from it. He told his wife, who said they must do as the dog asked. When they did, the rice put into the mortar turned into gold The neighbour borrowed it, but the rice turned to foul smelling berries, and he and his wife smashed and burned the mortar. That night, in a dream, the dog told his master to take the ashes and sprinkle thean on certain cherry trees. When he did, the cherry trees came into bloom., and the Prince marvelled and gave him many gifts. The neighbour tried to do the same, but the ashes blew into the princes eyes, so he thrashed him.
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SamacheerKalvi 9th English The Envious Neighbour Supplementary Unit 1 |