Parts of Speech
Noun and Transitive & Intransitive Verbs Grammar (Page 18)
a. Pick out the words from the list and put them appropriately in table:
[David, Madurai, parrot, happiness, a hook, thought, green, tiger, Trichy computer, Narayanan, fan, sister, Kalam, woman, pencil, Bharathi, probi brother, Mumbai, swan, elephant, Vijay, solution. success, school, convent]
Person Place Animals
David Madurai parrot
Narayanan Trichy tiger
Sister Mumbai swan
Kalam school elephant
woman convent
Things Ideas/feelings
book happiness
computer thought
fan problem
pencil solution
— green
— success
b. Read the following paragraph and pick out the different types of nouns and put them in the table:
[ Hobby is an activity we enjoy doing in our free time, It keeps us busy in our leisure time. People choose their pastime (hobby)on the basis of their interests and personality. Do you know what Dr.A.P.J. Abdul Kalam’s hobby was?
Proper Noun: Kalam
Common Noun: hobby, pastime
Collective Noun: People
Abstract Noun: interests, personality
Countable Noun: activity
Uncountable Noun: time
c. Fill in the blanks with the suitable collective noun:
[ Choir, shower, bowl, flock, cup, pair, swarm, bunch, herd, bottle ]
1. a herd of cows
2. a flock of birds
3. a choir of singers
4. a bottle of milk
5. a cup of tea
6. a swarm of ants
7. a bunch of grapes
8. a bowl of rice
9. a pair of shoes
10. a shower of rain
Pronoun (Page 20)
a. Change the underlined words with correct pronoun:
(they, he, her, him, it, she)
1. I saw Mr. Balu this morning and gave Mr. Balu my homework.
2. Muthu likes computer games but he doesn’t play computer games very often.
3. My aunt lives in Trichy but, my aunt often comes to visit my family.
4. Neil Armstrong was born in 1930. Neil Armstrong landed on the moon in 1961.
5. He helped the old lady, He gave the old lady food.
Answer :
1. I saw Mr. Balu this morning and gave him my homework.
2. Muthu likes computer games but he doesn’t play them very often,
3. My aunt lives in Trichy but, she often eomes to visit my family.
4. Neil Armstrong was born in 1930. He landed on the moon In 1969.
5. He helped the old lady. He gave her food.
b. Change the possessive adjective into possessive pronoun:
1. This pen is mine.
Ans: The pen is mine.
2. She missed her purse.
Ans: The missing purse is hers.
3. Her speech is nice.
Ans: The nice speech is hers.
4. My book is new.
Ans: The new book is mine.
5. My bike is costly.
Ans: The costly bike is mine.
c. Transitive and Intransitive Verbs: [Page.No: 21]
List out the transitive and intransitive verbs:
[ come, buy, teach, learn, arrive, sing, run, draw, jump, write ]
Intransitive Verb
I come to school. [where?]
I arrive school at 9 o’clock. [where?]
I run fast. [how?]
I jump quickly. [how?]
Transitive Verb
I buy a bike. [ what? ]
He teaches me English [to whom?]
She learns English [what?]
They sing a song. [what?]
You draw a picture. [what?]
I write a letter. [what?]
You can watch the Noun video explanation with Tamil Meaning: CLICK HERE
You can watch the Transitive and Intransitive Verbs video explanation with Tamil Meaning:
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