
SamacheerKalvi 8th English Tense Unit 5 Grammar Book back Question and Answer

B) Fill in the blanks with appropriate form of the verbs given in the brackets:
1. When the burglars broke into the house, everybody was having (have) sound sleep.
2. The milk spilled (spill) over as she went to see the crowd passing by with loud slogans.
3. If karthik does not make (not + make) any mistake, he will be rewarded.
4. They were watching TV when they heard (hear) a loud bang at the door.
5. The bus had left (leave) the stop before we could catch it.
6. Arya has been playing (play) the same song for last three days. It has become boring now.
7. Manju will call (call) after we reach home.
8. The show will have completed [complete] its one thousand episodes by next month.
9. Don’t worry, we will be reaching the airport in time [reach].
10. Prasanna has fallen [fall] sick after eating some snacks at the street side shop.
C) Tick the correct option to complete the sentences:
1. The climate of the city ___ mild and pleasant most of the time.
      a) is remaining         b) remains
      c) was remaining     d) is remained
2. One day he ___ into a hotel in Ooty, a beautiful city in Tamilnadu.
      a) booking           b) was booking
      c) booked            d) had booked
3. You will certainly ___ rewards for what you are doing.
      a) getting          b) had got
      c) was getting   d) had remembered
4. Do you ___ the day we moved the piano upstairs?
      a) remember                  b) remembered
      c) are remembering       c) had remembered
5. The rain completely ___ our day.
      a) spoilt             b) is spoiling
      c) is spoilt         d) was spoilt
6. Akbar ___ the king at the age of fifteen after the sudden death of his father.
      a) was becoming       b) had become
      c) became                  d) become
7. The criminal ___ the place before the police could reach.
      a) was escaping           b) had escaped
      c) is escaping               d) will escape
8. They ___ all the arrangements before the gust’s arrival.
      a) will have made              b) will be made
      c) had been making           d) were making
9. Sabithra ___ her job by tomorrow evening.
      a) will be completing           b) will complete
      c) will have completed         d) will have been completing
10. Harshini ___ her mother in making rangoli in the yard for last one hour.
       a) is helping               b) has helped
       c) has been helping    d) helps
1. remains.
2. booked.
3. be getting.
4. remember.
5. spoilt.
6. became.
7. had escaped.
8. will have made.
9. will have completed.
10. has been helping.
D) Identify the error in the sentences given below and rewrite them:
1. I have met him yesterday.
    Ans: I met him yesterday.
2. I am watching TV since morning.
    Ans: I have been watching TV since morning.
3. She is seeming sad.
    Ans: She seems sad.
4. She watched TV when her husband came.
    Ans: She was watching TV when her husband came.
5. He is having a cellular phone.
    Ans: He has a cellular phone.
6. I heard him to speak on several subjects.
    Ans: I heard him speak on several subjects.
7. Ten candidates have passed one failed.
    Ans: Ten candidates have passed one has failed.
8. He succeeded because he works hard.
    Ans: He succeeded because he worked hard.
9. How long are you working in this office?
    Ans: How long have you been working in this office?
10. I shall wait for you till you will finish your work.
    Ans: I shall wait for you till you finish your work.
11. When I reached the station, the train already left.
    Ans: When I reached the station, the train had already left.
12. She or he have done well.
    Ans: She or he has done well.
13. One of the boys are missing.
    Ans: One of the boys is missing.
14. None is genuine.
    Ans: Non of them is genuine.
15. She is waiting for you for 3 hours.
    Ans: She has been waiting for you for 3 hours.
Tense video with tamil explanation:
      simple and continuous tense: CLICK HERE
      perfect and perfect continuous: CLICK HERE
 Conditional sentences with if 
1. Complete the Conditional Sentences.  Decide whether to use Type I, II or III.
1. If I had time, I ___ (go) shopping with you.
2. If you ___ (speak) English, you will get along with them perfectly.
3. If they had gone for a walk, they ___ (turn) the lights off.
4. If she ___ (come) to see us, we will go to the zoo.
5. I would have told you, if I ___ (see) him.
1. would go
2. speak
3. would have turned
4. comes
5. had seen
2. Choose the best answer:
1. I will come if I ___ time.
      a) have   |   b) had   |   c) will have
2.If he is late, we ___ without him.
      a) would start   |   b) would have started   |   c) will start
3. If you ___ me, I would tell you.
      a) will ask   |   b) asked   |   c) had asked
4. Will it be all right if I ___ a friend tonight?
      a) had brought   |   b) bring   |   c) brought
5. If you ___ to learn a musical instrument, you have to practice.
      a) wants   |   b) wanted    |    c) want
1. have
2. will start
3. asked
4. bring
5. want
3. Match the following:
1. If they worked hard – she will come to our party.
2. If I invite Shalini     – I would have bought these shoes.
3. If I had got enough money – they would win.
1. If they worked hard they would win.
2. If I invite Shalini she will come to our party.
3. If I had got enough money I would have bought these shoes.
4. Fill in the blanks with correct verb from:
1. If you ___ out with your friends tonight, I ___ the football match on TV.
     a) go, would watch  |  b) go, will watch  |  c) go, have watched
2. If he ___ harder, he ___ his goals.
     a) tries, would reach  |  b) tried, will reach  |  c) tried, would reach
3. If we ___ to the radio, we ___ the news.
     a) listen, would hear  |  b) had listen, will hear  |  c) listen, will hear
1. go, will have
2. tried, would reach
3. listen, will hear
Conditional sentences video explanation: CLICK HERE
SamacheerKalvi 8th English Tense Unit 5 Grammar Book back Question and Answer
SamacheerKalvi 8th English Tense Unit 5 Grammar Book back Question and Answer


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