
My Reminiscence by Rabindranath Tagore 8th std English Unit 4 Prose Book back question and answer

 My Reminiscence 

                     Rabindranath Tagore 

   Words               Synonyms              Antonyms 

1. Ineffable         unutterable              explicable

2. Languid             weak                    strong

3. Longing            desire                   disinterest

4. Plaintive             sad                     joyful

5. Babbling         murmuring            shouting

6. Leisure                rest                    work

7. Stretching        extending              contracting

8. Clustering         grouping              scattering 

9. Belching           vomiting               sucking

10. Glare              brightness             darkness

 Read and understand 

A. Fill in the blanks:

1. The author speaks about the river _____.

2. The author’s brother’s name is ______ .

3. The ____ glimmered over the smooth stream.

4. The beauty of  Bengal and the Ganges served as ____ and ______  to the author. 

 Answer: 1. Ganges.      2. Jothirindra      3. moonligt     4. food    5. drink

B. Answer the following in one or two sentences:

1. Quote the expressions from the text when the author sees the Ganges again.

     Ans: The Ganges again.

2. In what ways have the river and its banks changed?

     Ans: The river-side nests surrounded by greenery have been replaced by mills. The air is filled will black smoke from the mills. The people’s mental siesta has been reduced. Unrest has invaded every aspect of life.

3. How were the rooms arranged in his house?

     Ans: The rooms were not regularly arranged. They were not on the same level. There were short flights of stairs to some rooms. The sitting room overlooked the landing-steps. There were stained glass windows with pictures.

C. Answer the following in a paragraph:

1. How does the author spend his afternoon? Explain.

     Prose    : My Reminiscence
     Author  : Rabindranath Tagore
    Theme  : Description about Tagore’s past life.

         The author spent some lovely days at the riverside. He was very happy on rainy afternoons. He spent a veritable frenzy on the boat. The author used to sing old Vaishnava songs. He himself had set his own tunes for these songs. He accompanied himself on a harmonium. On other afternoons, the author and his brother would drift along in a boat. The author used to sing. His brother Jyotirindra accompanied his singing with his violin. They used to change the mode of their music with the declining day.

                   Moral  : Midday glare of modern life.

2. Describe how the river looks when he rows back.

    When they rowed back it was nightfall. Everything in nature was quiet and peaceful. A silvery peace rested on both land and water. Boats were hardly seen on the river. The trees on the bank looked like a small, deep shadow. The stream was flowing smoothly. The moonlight glimmered over the river.

Video Explanation of this prose with Tamil meaning: CLICK HERE

UNIT 4 Poem book back question & answers: CLICK HERE

UNIT 4 Supplementary book back question & answers: CLICK HERE

My Reminiscence by Rabindranath Tagore 8th std English Unit 4 Prose Book back question and answer
My Reminiscence by Rabindranath Tagore 8th std English Unit 4 Prose Book back question and answer


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