Eidgah [std – 7 | Question and Answers]
Section I
Choose the correct answers and fill in the blanks:
1. Eidgah
2. toys and rubber balls
3. Mahmood, Mohsin, Noorey and Sammi.
4. Her son had dide
5. He ran fast.
Section II
1.Write the names of Hamid’s friends in columnA and the toys they bought in column B:
Column A Column B
1. Mahmood a policeman in Khaki
2. Mohsin a water-carrier
3. Noorey a lawyer
Think and Answer: [Page in book: 90]
1. ‘They refers to the worshipers. They moved in a big group.
2. Hamid had only three paisas. He did not want to part with a third of his treasure for a few
miserable rounds. So he did not like to go on the merry-go-round.
3. Hamid’s friends smack their lips with relish. Thus they showed that they enjoyed the sweets.
Section III
Tick the correct answer:
1. a pair of tongs
2. too high
3. Hamid valued his toy
4. out of love and concern
A. Answer the following questions:
1. Granny said that Hamid’s father had gone to earn money. He added that his mother had gone to Allah to get lovely gifts for Hamid.
2. Hamid was four years old. He was thin and poorly dressed but he was the happiest of all the boys around.
3. Mahmood bought the toy of a policeman. Mohsin bought a water-carrier. Noorey got a lawyer. Then they bought sesame seed candy, gulab-jamuns and halva.
4. Hamid bought a pair of tongs at the fair for his grandmother.
5. It was almost noon time. Hamid did not buy any eatables for him but he bought a pair of tongs. So Granny scolded him.
B. Rearrange the jumbled sentences and write them in the correct order:
*Granny Ameena was worried as he had to go to the Eidgah alone.
* Hamid had less money than his friends.
* Hamid’s friends bought different toys of their choice.
* But Hamid bought a pair of tongs.
* Hamid proudly compared his tongs with a brave tiger.
* Granny Ameena felt proud of her grandson.
C. Fill in the blanks with the help of the picture clues:
a pair of Binoculars
a pair of Forceps
a pair of Pliers
a pair of Trousers
a pair of Gloves
D. Who am I?
1. a pair of spectacles.
2. a pair of earstuds
3. a pair of sun glasses
4. a pair of scissors
5. a pair of socks