
Conjunctions | Connectors & Sentence Pattern 8th std Unit 4 Grammar Book back question and answer

  Conjunction | Connectors 
a. Underline the conjunctions in the following sentences:

1. Revathy and Rohini are friends.
2. If you say so, I will believe it.
3. Shekar is in intelligent but careless.
4. The bus was overcrowded so Arun avoided travelling in it.
5. Though Vinay is poor, he does not steal.

b. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with suitable conjunctions from the box:

[ If | after | unless | until | and | till | although | so because | but ]

1. I returned home ___ the bus had started.
2. I respect him ___ he is very strict.
3. Sundharshan will succeed ___ he works hard.
4. Aravinth ___ Arun are classmates from their childhood.
5. You can’t have your fruits ___ you take your food.
1. after.
2. although.
3. because.
4. and.
5. till.

Video explanation of Conjunction: CLICK HERE
c. Choose the correct conjunctions from the options given in the brackets:
1. Everyone likes him ___ he is very helpful. [because | for ]
2. ___ it was cloudy, we decided to take an umbrella. [ so | as ]
3. Rathi found her watch ___ she left it. [ wherever | where ]
4. I don’t know ___ I can afford to buy a new dress. [ whether | why ]
5. ___ he was ill, he did not go to the doctor. [ as | though ]
1. because.
2. As.
3. where.
4. whether.
5. Though.

            Sentence Pattern  

a. Choose the right pattern:

1. The wall collapsed.
     a) SV  b) SVO  c) SVIODO

2. During the war, many people lost their homes.
     a) SVO  b) SVIODO  c) ASVDO

3. I promised the children a trip to the zoo.
     a) SVO  b) SVDOIO  c) SVIODO

4. In 1998, Frank moved to London.
     a) ASVA  b) ASVO  c) SVIODO

5. Pooja hired a bicycle.
     a) SV  b) SVO  c) SVA


1. a) SV.
2. c) ASVDO
3. c) SVIODO
4. a) ASVA
5. b) SVO

b. Write two sentences for each pattern:

1. Birds fly.
2. The shark swims.

1. I write a letter.
2. She reads a story.

1. You are old.
2. It grew dark.

1. She came yesterday.
2. The dog barked suddenly.

1. I painted the door brown.
2. They made him captain.

1. She gave me a pen.
2. I told her to a story.

1. On the floor he fell.
2. Suddenly he ran.

1. Muthu ran fast in the race.
2. My uncle came here last month.

Video explanation of Sentence Pattern: CLICK HERE
Conjunctions  Connectors & Sentence Pattern 8th std Unit 4 Grammar Book back question and answer
Conjunctions  Connectors & Sentence Pattern 8th std Unit 4 Grammar Book back question and answer


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