
8th Std English Unit 6 Grammar – Reported Speech

 Reported Speech 

     8th English Unit 6 Grammar 

 BOOK PAGE NO: 163 – 169 

A. Change the following into Indirect Speech:

1. “What do you want?” he said to her.
    Ans:  He asked her what she wanted.

2. He asked, “How’s your father?”
    Ans: He asked how his father was.

3. “Are you coming home with me?” he asked.
    Ans:  He asked whether she was coming home with him.

4. The poor man exclaimed, “Will none of you help me?”
    Ans:  The poor man asked whether none of them would help him.

5. “Don’t you know the way home?” asked I.
    Ans:  I asked him whether he did not know the way home.

B. Change the following into Indirect speech:

1. “Bring me a glass of milk” said the swami to the villagers.
    Ans:  The swami requested the villagers to bring him a glass of milk.

2. “Sit down, boys,” said the teacher.
    Ans:  The teacher told the boys to sit down.

3. “Halt!” shouted the officer to his men.
    Ans:  The officer shouted to his men to halt.

4. “Take off your hate,” the king said to Hatter.
    Ans:  The king ordered the Hatter it take off his hat. 

5. The teacher said, ” Do not read so fast”
    Ans:  The teacher advised him not to read so fast.

6. He said up me, “Wait until  I come?
    Ans:  He requested me to wait read so fast.

7. “Hurry up ” he said to his servant , ” do not waste time”.
    Ans:  He urged his servant to hurry up and not to waste time.

8.  Run away, children, ” said their mother.
    Ans:  The mother warned her children to run away.

9. He said,”  Daughter, take my golden jug , and fetch me some water from the well”. 
    Ans:  He requested his daughter to take his golden jug, and fetch me some water.

10. “Go down to the bazaar. Bring me some oil ana a lump of ice.
    Ans:  His master ordered him to go down to the bazaar and bright him some oil and lump of rice.

D. What were the actual words used in each instance below? The sentences containing the actual words are listed afterwards in the wrong order. Write them out in the same order as the others.

1. Punitha asked Pushpa what she was reading.
    Ans:  “What are you reading, Pushpa?” asked Punitha.

2. Pushpa told her that he was reading Robinson Crusoe.
    Ans:  “I am reading Robinson Crusoe.” Pushpa told her.

3. Punitha asked her what it was all about.
    Ans:  “What is it all about?” Punitha asked.

4. Pushpa said it was about a man wrecked on an island.
    Ans:  “It is about a man wrecked on an island,” Punitha said.

5. Punitha then asked her friend who gave her the book.
    Ans:  ” Who gave you the book, Pushpa?” Punitha then asked.

6. Pushpa answered that her uncle gave it to her at Christmas.
    Ans:  “Uncle gave it to me at Christmas,’ answered Pushpa.

7. Finally Punitha inquired if she could borrow it.
    Ans:  “May I borrow it?” inquired Punitha.

8. Pushpa replied that she would certainly lend it to her.
    Ans:  “Of course, I will lend it you,” replied Pushpa.

E. Change the following into Direct Speech:

1. Nevin asked his father when the next letter would come.
    Ans:  Nevin said to his father,” When will the next letter come.

2. I wrote that I would visit him next day.
    Ans:  I wrote,” I will visit you tomorrow”.

3. I told them to be quiet.
    Ans:  I said to them,” Be quiet”.

4. Lakshan asked me if I had anything to say.
    Ans:  Lakshan said to me,” Do you have anything to say?”

5. An old mouse asked who would bell the cat.
    Ans:  An old mouse said,” Who will bell the cat?”

6. Mervin said that he wanted to be a solider.
    Ans:  Mervin said, ” I want to be a solider “.

7. Ebin asked me what I wanted.
    Ans:  Ebin said to me ,” What do you want ?”

8. Bhagya said that she had seen that picture.
    Ans:  Bhagya said ,” I have seen this picture”.

9. The stranger asked Nasrin where she lived.
    Ans:  The stranger said to Nasrin ,” Where do you live?”

10. I asked Mary if she would lend me a pencil.
    Ans:  I said to Mary ,” Will you lend me a pencil?”


F. Sherlyn receives a postcard from her friend Pushpa who is holidaying in Sri Lanka. She calls her friend Galen and tells him what Pushpa has written. Help her by filling in the blanks, using reported speech.

Hello, Galen! Today I received a postcard from Pushpa. Remember I had told you that she has gone to Sri Lanka on a holiday? Well, she has written from Colombo. She has written that they had visited Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage. It had 84 elephants. She said that it is the biggest herd of elephants in the world that is living under human supervision. She also added that she was glad they came there because she was learning a lot . The Elephant Orphanage was truly worth visiting. She said that the next day they were going to the  national park. She would be returning next week and added that she was looking forward to meeting her then.

Watch the below listed videos to get more about Reported speech with Tamil meaning: 

1. Introduction of Reported Speech [tamil]: Click Here
2. Statement type [tamil]: Click Here
3. Interrogative – “WH” Type [tamil]:Click Here
                          – Yes or No Type [tamil]: Click Here
4. Imperative type [tamil]: Click Here
5. Exclamatory type [tamil]: Click Here 
Read also: 
8th English Unit 6 Prose book back answers: Click Here 
8th English Unit 6 Poem book back answers: Click Here 
8th English Unit 6 Supplementary book back answers: Click Here 

8th Std English Unit 6 Grammar - Reported Speech
8th Std English Unit 6 Grammar – Reported Speech


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