
11th&12th English 2mark grammar-test1

11th&12th English 2mark grammar-test1

In this post you can go through Samacheer kalvi 11th&12th English 2mark grammar-test1

Here I can provide you the question and answers for the 11th&12th English 2mark grammar-test1


Report the dialogue:

1. Raji: Mother, where did you keep my pen?

    Mother: You can find the pen in the same place where you had kept it.

2. Raj: Alas! We have lost the match.

    Ram: Don’t lose heart Raj. We will win next time.

If clause:

3. It doesn’t rain so; the match will continue.

4. I was there. I prevented it.

5. I had seen Mary. I would have told her.

Change into simple:

6. Radha was blind. She would not cross the road.

7. Roja is poor. She is always cheerful.

Begin with (after):

8. Alice wrote the letter. She posted it.

Inversion of the conditional clause:

9. Kalai did not have a cycle. He did not reach the school early.

10. Don’t waste water. Our resource will be severely depleted.

Semantic Field Matching:

11. It was thrilling win for Roger Federer.

12. Palestinians have decided to go to pools.

13. A new software is adopted to make operations easier.

14. This oil massage will refresh you a lot.

15. Britney Spears will release a new album next month. [Music/computer/politics/sports/health]


Report the dialogue:

1. Raji asked mother where she had kept her pen. Mother replied that she could find the pen in the same place where she had kept it.

2. Raj exclaimed sorrowfully that they had lost the match. Ram advised him not to lose heart and also ram added that they would win the match next time.

If clause:

3. If it rains, the match won’t be continued.

4. If I hadn’t been there, I would n’t have prevented it.

5. If I had seen Mary, I would have told her. (or) If I had n’t seen Mary, I would n’t have told her.

Change into simple:

6. Being blind, Radha would not cross the road.

7. In spite of (her poverty / being poor), Roja is always cheerful.

Begin with (after):

8. After Alice had written the letter, she posted it.

Inversion of the conditional clause:

9. Had Kalai had a cycle, he would have reached the school early.

10. Should you waste the water, our resource would be severely depleted.

Semantic Field Matching:

11. It was thrilling win for Roger Federer. – Sports.

12. Palestinians have decided to go to pools. – Politics.

13. A new software is adopted to make operations easier. – Computer.

14. This oil massage will refresh you a lot. – Health.

15. Britney Spears will release a new album next month. – Music.


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