
10th std English public original question paper and answer key – 2022

Part – I

Choose the appropriate synonym for the italicised words:

  1. c) below
  2. a) domestically
  3. b) divided into two

Choose the appropriate antonym for the italicised words:

  1. c) energetic
  2. b) pleasing
  3. d) despise
  4. Plural: c) deer
  5. Prefix: c) mis
  6. Abbreviation: d) Bachelor of Physiotherapy
  7. Phrasal Verb: d) burn off
  8. Compound word: a) pass
  9. Preposition: b) into
  10. Tense: a) would help
  11. Linker: c) Though
Part – II | Section – 1

Answer any three of the following questions in a sentence or two:

  1. The seagull failed to fly, because he was afraid to fly.
  2. Circumnavigation means to travel all the way around something, especially the earth.
  3. Aditya offered Sanyal a sum of one hundred and fifty rupees.
  4. The Liberator Communication Device has an in-built Bluetooth adaptor. David sends commands to the computer through the Liberator. He controls it with his eye movements.
Section – 2

Read the following sets of poetic lines and answer any three of the following:

  1. a) Me – refer to the poet.

b) The poet wants to lead a joyful life with a forward face and an unreluctant soul.

  1. a) She is strong in her faith and belief.

b) She deals with the adversities with persistence.

  1. a) Thaw means – tackle; saw means – deal with cruelty.

b) The tone of the author is angry.

  1. a) ‘We’ refers to the machines.

b) They ask for water, coal, and oil and a very little place to run.

Section – 3
  1. Voice: The problem will be solved by Rosy.
  2. Speech: Somu said that It was his favourite pet.
  3. Punctuate: “O my young gentleman,” said Ariel.
  4. Simple sentence: I saw a wounded tiger.
  5. Rearrange the words:
    • a) If you apply for a loan, you will get it immediately.
    • b) He preferred handling mail by himself.
Section – 4
  1. Road map:
    • Go straight.
    • Walk past the school.
    • Turn left.
    • Walk along Circle Road.
    • Turn Right.
    • You can find the Government Hospital.
Part – III | Section – 1

Answer any two of the following in a paragraph.

  1. His first Flight paragraph.
  2. Empowered woman paragraph.
  3. Attic paragraph.
  4. Teach Bloomers paragraph.
Section – 2
  1. Life paragraph.
  2. I am Every Woman paragraph.
  3. a) Rhyming words: drive – dive; light – write.
    • b) Rhyming scheme: a b a b.
    • c) Personification.
    • d) Print – Plough; We – weave.
  4. Paraphrase:
    • This stanza is taken from the poem ‘I am Every Woman’ written by ‘Rakhi Nariani Shirke’. This poem talks about the multifaceted nature of a woman. The poet says that a woman has inborn beauty and she is a symbol of power and strength. She is ready to face any challenge, risking even he life. Every woman is true in expressing her love and she is never fake. Thus, the poet praises and glorifies the modern woman. The poem is relevant to our times when women are treated as inferior to men.
Section – 3
  1. Rearrange the following sentences in a coherent order.

1. ii) Prospero and Miranda came to an island and lived in a cave.

         2. iv) Using his powers, Prospero released the good spirits from large bodies of trees.

         3. iii) He raised a violent storm in the sea to an island and lived in a cave.

         4. i) He ordered Ariel to torment the inmates of the ship.

         5. v) Ariel instructed to bring Ferdinand, the prince of Naples to his cave.

  1. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions that follow.

a) No, Zigzag didn’t converse with the inmates of the house.

b) Zigzag was sulkily refusing to say a word despite all their efforts at striking a conversation. This made Arvind rush into the kitchen.

c) Arvind brought a plate heaped hurriedly with juicy fruit slices and some nuts for the bird.

d) Zigzag transferred all the fruits and nuts to the enormous chandelier hanging from the ceiling.

e) Zigzag perched comfortably on a curtain rod.

Section – 4

Answer any four of the following:

  1. Add
  2. Letter writing.
  3. Notice writing.
  4. Picture description.
  5. Notes or summary writing.
  6. Error spot:
    • a) The ship with its crew was drowned.
    • b) He is angry with me.
    • c) Games and sports help in recreation.
    • d) The poet and actor is dead.
    • e) I live in the United states.
Section – 5
  1. Quote from the memory.
Not mourning for the things that disappear
In the dim past, nor holding back in fear
From what the future veils; but with a whole
And happy heart, that pays its toll
To Youth and Age, and travels on with cheer.
Henry Van Dyke.
Part – IV
  1. Write a paragraph of about 150 words by developing the following hints.

a) The Tempest paragraph. (or)  b) Zigzag paragraph.

  1. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions given below.

a) The National Thermal Power Corporation planned to establish a 2,000 MW thermal power plant at Cheyyur in Kancheepuram district in April 2007.

b) The meeting between the managers of TNEB and NTPC took place on November 30.

c) The project took three years to complete.

d) The role of the Government of Tamil Nadu in this project is only providing land and a No Objection Certificate from the Environment Department.


Read the following poem and answer the questions given below:

a) When the train speeds the trees and houses are going wheeling back.

b) Sky and star fly over the dull earth.

c) Stars and night described as companions of our flight.

d) The poet delt with the Heavens and earth slips from our feet.

Other std’s Annual Exam question papers and answer key: 6th English – 2022, 7th English – 2022, 8th English – 2022, 9th English – 2022, 11th English – 2022, 12th English – 2022


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