
10th English First Revision Original Question with answer key 2023

10th English First Revision Original Question with answer key 2023

In this post 10th english first revision 2023 original question with answer key. This question is taken from Sivagangai district in 2023.

  • 11th std english first revision original question with answer key download – Click Here.
  • 12th std english first revision original question with answer key download – Click Here.

10th english first revision 2023


  1. b) saddly.
  2. c) hopeless.
  3. b) spreading.
  4. c) merged.
  5. c) logical.
  6. a) superior.
  7. d) knives.
  8. b) in.
  9. c) Central Bureau of Investigation.
  10. d) shut down.
  11. b) ball.
  12. d) at.
  13. b) will get.
  14. b) so.

Prose 2 Marks:

  1. The young seagull’s first attempt to fly was a failure because he was afraid to fly.
  2. To travel around the world in a ship.
  3. Dragon Dictate.
  4. Franz was sorry for not learning his lessons.

Poem Question and Answers:

  1. a
    • a) He is moving towards his goal without hurry.
    • b) One should not mourn for the things that he or she had lost in the past.
  2. a
    • a) Complaining street.
    • b) All the people in the street would always be complaining.
  3. a
    • a) She is strong about her faith and belief.
    • b) She deals with the adversities with persistence.
  4. a
    • a) The tree.
    • b) The leaves of the tree never grows. The tree neither grows tall nor gets smaller.

2 Mark Grammar:

  1. The voyage was flagged off by the Defence Minister of India.
  2. The Headmaster told the students that they were going to conduct a sports meet the following week.
  3. ‘No one visits me, ‘ he said in an unperturbed manner.
  4. On changing his dress, Rakesh went out to play. or Changing his dress, Rakesh went out to play. or Besides changing his dress, Rakesh went out to play.
  5. Rearrange the words:
    • a) He has said that he will be happy.
    • b) Antonio carried us on a ship board.

35. Poem appreciation:

  • a) eyes – size, again – brain.
  • b) a b a b.
  • c) Connotation.
  • d) stars – shine.

balance question’s answer will update soon.


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